You scored a date, now the next step: What to wear on a first date.
So you managed to get that date you were hoping for, but now you need to look good for a great first impression. Rest easy, we have plenty of suggestions for you.
First, we need to establish what you are doing on the date. Are you going for drinks? Dinner? An easy coffee? An activity? When, where, what?
For any of these things, what matters the most is that what you wear feels comfortable, both physically and mentally.
You certainly don’t want to be pulling at your tie, adjusting your pants, keep your belly in for the whole date, right? That is definitely not attractive and it might ruin the vibe for both. Then, it is important that it is true to you, and not like you’ve put on a “someone else” costume. This is not to say that you should go in sweatpants and a Scooby-doo t-shirt, it simply means polish who you are.
So, now that these points are set, on we go:
Let’s say you are going for a coffee.
Easy. What you want to do here is something nice, but not too nice. You don’t need a whole button up for this one, unless it looks very casual, like an everyday button up, for example linen is always nice. A stylish t-shirt or hoodie is also good. No to sandals. Always no to sandals. At the beach, if you really truly love wearing sandals, but never, ever, everrrr the sporty type. However, if you know that it definitely matches your date’s vibe, and you really have to, a classic birkenstock type, or a “classy” thing can be allowed, if necessary. But please give yourself a pedicure. Nobody wants to see hairy toes, especially if they are on a date with their owner. This said, for warm weather I always recommend a light canvas sneaker, it’s sporty but looks nice on most outfits and occasions.
Then. Pants. Yes to some light-washed jeans, no if it’s knee length.
If you want something fresh and easy of that length, there is a wide choice of just above the knee shorts in any color imaginable. Avoid at all costs pants below the knee: this is not Simple Plan, you are not twelve, that era is dead and gone. We loved it, but it’s best to keep it in our pockets The same fabric is perfect for casual pants,which can work very on most day-time outfits.

Lunch? The same goes.
A simple button up would definitely look good here, if that’s your style, but nothing too elegant. I would wear long pants instead of shorts, though, and leave the short ones at breakfast. We are still going for the easy, calm, confident, no pressure, no rush; you don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard.
Dinner: here it gets way less casual.
We want to keep the same relaxed and confident feel, but a bit elevated. It also depends on where you are going to eat. Obviously you won’t wear a suit to go to even the nicest food truck, right? (Yes, in the right context, I think a certain kind of food truck can be a date, not any, but something peculiar, cool, and all that). Let’s say you are going to a regular restaurant. A nice button up is a must here, avoid too bright colors; white is usually great, it is a staple garment, but a deep red or blue is okay, if matched with the right pants. Make sure you don’t look like you just got out of your office, there is a distinct difference between formal and elegant.
What I recommend in this case is some nice suit pants, preferably in a dark shade, either black, blue or grey, something that fits you. Don’t feel like you have to adhere to a specific style if it just doesn’t look good on you. Not because you are not attractive, it really doesn’t have much to do with that, it is just because bodies are shaped differently and we should follow that.
In terms of shoes, there are a few options:
You can go for a classic shoe style (make sure you can walk comfortably in it), but maybe avoid getting the cheapest ones because it absolutely shows – you don’t have to pretend you are rich, it’s not what we are saying, just pay attention to what the shoe looks like: if it’s carton, throw it away. You could go for a very nice, very clean sneaker, or a low boot. Obviously, this depends on the overall look and especially the cut of the pants.
CHOOSE. THE SOCKS. CAREFULLY. If you want to wear funny socks, maybe an elegant dinner is not exactly the place where you want to showcase them. But then again, that depends on you, as long as it makes sense aesthetically, the material has to be good and match the rest of the outfit, but whatever you do, a high sock should not show the skin between it and the rim of the pants.

Tie: are you a tie person?
If you are not at all, maybe don’t force yourself to wear one. However, if you still want to give it a try, go for something not too flashy, not like “look! I’m wearing a tie!”. Maybe practice wearing one so that it feels more natural. It seems odd, I know, but it’s very clear if it’s your first time wearing a tie It also really depends on your age. Unless it is very natural for you, I would probably avoid a tie under 27, because it may feel too serious, but I encourage it over 35.
You can decide whether to wear a jacket or not. If it’s a whole suit, make sure you don’t look like a kid in church. If you want to put together different pieces… that’s an entirely different article. Just know that you are only allowed one pattern, and the material should be the same. You could also wear a sweater, keeping in mind the temperature inside and outside, maybe something you can easily take off if it’s too warm.
The same casual but not too casual, nice but not too nice, works for an activity like a museum, or the movies, or even a walk.
Anyway, if you want more visual help, you can easily go on Pinterest and type down something along the lines of “first date man look”, and see what pops up and what you like there.
Remember to keep a style that is true to yourself, so that you won’t be burdened by appearing something that is too much to keep up with. Don’t overdo it, don’t put yourself in an uncomfortable spot for the sake of sporting a look or a style that is not your own. The number one outfit you should be comfortable in, is your own skin. And trust me, it shows.
If you are too lazy to look for yourself, here is a pinboard put together just for this occasion:
Enjoy your date!